Sue Baumgardner

Finding Love in the Library by Sue Baumgardner
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About Sue Baumgardner

Born and raised in the rural Maine of the 1950s, Sue Baumgardner subsequently spent several years living in various states across the eastern US. With a minion of good friends scattered across the land, it was back to Maine, family, and old friends that Sue returned in her retirement. Did we say retirement? With the time she had always hankered for, Sue picked up pen, took a dozen writing classes and dove into the career she had only dreamt of prior to her retirement.

An author who is not tied to one genre, Sue has written Fiction and Non-fiction, for adults, middle readers and young children.

Sue Baumgardner also writes a blog on her dream-visits with those ‘beyond the veil.’ Fascinating stuff! Look for it here:


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Where Sin Increased by Sue Baumgardner

Where Sin Increased

by Sue Baumgardner

Giveaway ends March 22, 2022.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

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Patsy of Harlan County by Sue Baumgardner - New Cover
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